Day Support Options

Day Support Options

We can help you reach your personal goals as they pertain to your person-centred plan. A range of services and activities are offered Monday through Friday during the day.  

The ‘Wawanosh Innovation’ Centres are located at 2 easy to access sites in Sarnia.  The Wawanosh Innovation Centres have a broad range of activities taking place based upon the interests and needs of potential participants such as: 

  • self-discovery
  • adult literacy / numeracy 
  • learning life skills (nutrition, cooking, addictions, safety at home and in community, finances, healthy relationships, etc.)

Wawanosh Innovation Centres are also a great launching point for community participation.  It’s a great place to hang-out with friends and enjoy activities.  However, our goal is to use the community as a first resource – much of what you may want in your life can be found in community – opportunities for jobs, volunteering, recreation, relationships and experiences. Your community is rich in possibilities.  We’d like the opportunity to help you get there!

Are you 55 years of age or older and looking to try your hand at some new activities, learn some new skills, or perhaps make some new friends? If so, our Seniors program may be for you!

The focus of the Seniors program is to ensure older adults who have a developmental disability have an opportunity to engage with others in a range of in-house and community-based activities. Our goal is to ensure supports and resources are effectively matched with a person’s individual needs and wants.

Supports can include:

  • Connections to retirement programs in the community, eg., Strangway Community Centre, North Lambton Community Health Centre, etc.
  • Provision of information about and connection to community and social services, e.g., Mobile Market, Sarnia Transit, The Inn of the Good Shepherd, Public Health, the Public Library, etc.
  • Connection to virtual topics of interest.
  • Assistance with forms relating to Old Age Security (OAS), Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program, etc.,

When not in the community, in-house activities to choose from include:

  • exercise for both body and brain,
  • group discussions based on relevant and current issues,
  • cooking and nutrition,
  • crafting and art,
  • baking,
  • games,
  • community outings,
  • guest speakers
  • and so much more.

The Seniors program is a multifaceted day program for older adults with an intellectual disability looking to make the most of their retirement years.

If you are unable to participate in work opportunities due to medical and/or behavioral needs, then ‘Alternate Day Options’ might be for you.

Service options are based on your needs and personal goals as they pertain to your person-centred plan.  Activities may include daily living skills learning that to enable you to live more independently.  These are just a few examples:

  • hygiene skills
  • laundry skills
  • cleaning and dish washing skills 
  • good nutrition and cooking skills
  • whatever you can think of!

Also, physiotherapy; physical activation and sensory stimulation and development are provided, along with recreation and leisure activities and community based outings and participation.  If you need it, we can also provide you with attendant care such as toileting, dressing, personal grooming and feeding. 

The home base for ‘Alternate Day Options’ is our Activity Center located at the corner of Murphy and Wellington Streets in Sarnia.  You can choose to participate either on a part- time or full-time basis.

The Community First program is just one way we assist people through the transition from sheltered work activity to more personalized supports.  The goal is to facilitate community connections that allow you to discover new opportunities to participate and engage in your community.  You can be assisted to pursue and establish integrated community-based supports, partnerships, connections, social roles, and friendships according to your person-centred plan.


Community Living Sarnia-Lambton’s employment model has been shared and adopted by other communities across Ontario and even internationally.

Vision: A community where everyone is valued and can participate.

Volunteers are the bridge between the community and the services that we provide

Community Living Sarnia-Lambton has grown to support more than 400 children and adults with developmental and intellectual challenges.