Awards & Recognition

Community Living Sarnia-Lambton won the great honour of being chosen as the ‘Outstanding Business Achievement Award’ winner in 2009 in the ‘Not-For-Profit category’ from the Sarnia-Lambton Camber of Commerce.

‘Summer Employment Transitions’ is the largest service of its kind in Canada and received the international ‘Innovative Practice 2017’ award at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria, as “outstanding in providing a practical solution to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities.”

In 2015, the Government of Ontario funded Community Living Sarnia-Lambton to develop a ‘turn-key’ toolkit so that other communities across Ontario could adopt our Summer Employment Transitions model.

jobPath was honoured with a provincial ‘Innovations Excellence Award’ during our first year of operation from the Ontario Rehabilitation, Work and Community’s (ORWC); operating now as the Ontario Disability Employment Network.

In 2015, the Government of Ontario funded Community Living Sarnia-Lambton to develop a ‘turn-key’ toolkit so that other communities across Ontario could adopt the jobPath model.

In 2018, Community Living Ontario honoured Community Living Sarnia-Lambton with their 'Communications and Social Media Award.'


Community Living Sarnia-Lambton’s employment model has been shared and adopted by other communities across Ontario and even internationally.

Vision: A community where everyone is valued and can participate.

Volunteers are the bridge between the community and the services that we provide

Community Living Sarnia-Lambton has grown to support more than 400 children and adults with developmental and intellectual challenges.