Employment Support
We can assist you in your self-directed journey to develop and achieve your employment goals. Recognized as industry leaders provincially, nationally, and even internationally, close to 80% of people who have accessed our employment services are still working more than 5 years later. You can choose from our employment service options or if you’d like help with determining a starting point you can contact us and we’d be glad to assist you.
Community Living Sarnia-Lambton provides Employment Ontario Integrated Services to job seekers with disabilities in our community. We assist in all areas of job search, including:
- One on one employment counselling
- Connecting with employers
- Resume and cover letters
- Job Interview skills
- Access to resources to help with costs of job search
- Job coaching for on-the-job support
"Your job is out there. We’ll help you find it.”
This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario
Community Living Sarnia-Lambton is a member of the Windsor Regional Employment Network.
Are you a work-ready person who has a disability? Are you tired of looking for jobs? Is online job search getting you nowhere? Do you want to make a change in your job search but don’t know where to start?
You can find a job and jobPath is here to help. jobPath is delivered in a series of workshops and employment related field trips over six weeks. If you don’t have a specific employment goal – it’s not a problem. We can assist you in your self-directed journey to develop your employment goals. We are different from other employment related workshops as our mission is to help you get a good job in line with your employment goals.
jobPath was honoured with a provincial ‘Innovations Excellence Award’ during our first year of operation from the Ontario Rehabilitation, Work and Community’s (ORWC); operating now as the Ontario Disability Employment Network. In 2015, the Government of Ontario funded Community Living Sarnia-Lambton to develop a ‘turn-key’ toolkit so that other communities across Ontario could adopt the jobPath model.
If you are a new or returning student who has a disability and are aged 16 -29 we can help you to gain the experience and skills that will help you in your future career goals.
How do we do it? By employing summer job coaches who are students themselves. The job coaches assist by searching for summer jobs with local businesses and acting as peer role models while providing on the job training. Summer job coaches can also help with workplace adjustments / job aids, if needed. All jobs are paid at minimum wage or better.
Did you know that more than one study from the U.S. has indicated that “The number one indicator of successful labour market attachment for people with a disability, upon graduation from school, was having a paid job while in school” (Study: Improving Post-High School Outcomes for Transition-Age Students with Disabilities: An Evidence Review, 2013)
In 2015, the Government of Ontario funded Community Living Sarnia-Lambton to develop a ‘turn-key’ toolkit so that other communities across Ontario could adopt our Summer Employment Transitions model.
‘Summer Employment Transitions’ is the largest service of its kind in Canada and received the international ‘Innovative Practice 2017’ award at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria, as “outstanding in providing a practical solution to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities.”
Follow this link to a short video to check it out.
You can also follow this link to get more information or to apply.
Are you a work-ready person who has a disability? Are you tired of employment services that don’t take time to really get to know you and what you really want? Are you tired of employment agencies that only get you short term jobs using hiring incentives (wage subsidies, training allowances, etc.) and jobs that don’t last? We can help.
Employment Transitions has a reputation for providing the highest quality employment services in Lambton County for people who have a disability. The proof is our extensive network of over 153 local employers who routinely hire from us. Some of our larger business partners have hired dozens of people through our services.
What makes us different? Why are our candidates in such demand? Simply put, we have processes in place to get to know our job seekers and our business partners needs that result in stellar job matches. We top it all off with providing superior support for our customers.