Volunteer Application

Personal Information
Do you have transportation?
Interests and Experience
Please indicate your top three interest areas:
Additional Information

The format of an application can make it difficult to adequately summarize your complete background. Please use the file upload options below to attach additional information.

Personal References

The format of an application can make it difficult to adequately summarize your complete background. Please feel free to attach additional information or a resume.

First Reference

Second Reference

Third Reference


I understand that a volunteer placement with Community Living Sarnia-Lambton is dependent on interviews and reference checks. I hereby authorize my former employers, schools, references, and any others having knowledge of myself to furnish any information concerning my employment, education, personal character and habits, and I hereby release them from any and all liability on account of having furnished such information. If selected as a volunteer, I agree to make a time commitment, abide by all policies and procedures of the organization and treat all matters of Community Living Sarnia-Lambton as confidential, particularly information relating to the personal lives of people supported. I have read, understand and accept the above conditions.

Do you agree with this acknowledgement?

Thank you for your interest in volunteering.

Community Living Sarnia-Lambton’s employment model has been shared and adopted by other communities across Ontario and even internationally.

Vision: A community where everyone is valued and can participate.

Volunteers are the bridge between the community and the services that we provide

Community Living Sarnia-Lambton has grown to support more than 400 children and adults with developmental and intellectual challenges.