
We are pleased to announce that our organization has acquired a new wheelchair-accessible van, thanks to the grant of $ 101,700 received from Ontario Trillium Foundation.

This new wheelchair-accessible van will address an urgent need to increase our transportation capacity. Our clients have complex social and physical activity needs.  Approximately 30 of our 400 clients have physical challenges requiring wheelchairs, and current modes of transportation are operating beyond their design.

The true positive impact of a new accessible van is greater than the 30 clients – our staff will be better equipped to meet our clients’ needs, our clients’ friends will have more fulfilling experiences, and our clients’ families will know that their loved ones are being cared for and experiencing life in the best way possible.


Community Living Sarnia-Lambton’s employment model has been shared and adopted by other communities across Ontario and even internationally.

Vision: A community where everyone is valued and can participate.

Volunteers are the bridge between the community and the services that we provide

Community Living Sarnia-Lambton has grown to support more than 400 children and adults with developmental and intellectual challenges.